WVCA is excited to announce a special initiative! This year, we are launching a heartfelt fundraiser aimed at bringing the holiday spirit to our beloved community. We have a wonderful plan to adorn Westover Village (along Washington Boulevard and between McKinley Road and N Longfellow Street|) with dazzling holiday lights on the business rooftops and street lamp posts, transforming our neighborhood into a winter wonderland for all to enjoy. To make this vision a reality, we need your support! Your contributions will go directly towards leasing and installing these festive decorations, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for everyone during the holiday season. Together, we can make Westover Village shine even brighter this year. Let’s come together and make our community sparkle with holiday cheer. Your generosity and participation will make all the difference!
Join us this Saturday, April 9th at 10:30am in the Cardinal Elementary School fields (behind the Westover Library) for Egg Hunting and Visits with the Easter Bunny.
Please join us on Wednesday, October 27th at 7pm for a Virtual Meeting.
We’ll be discussing updates on County construction projects in the neighborhood, Cardinal Elementary, and gauging interest for activities and priorities for 2022.
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The Westover Village Civic Association is looking for Volunteers!
We have not held Board Member elections since 2018. If there is sufficient interest, we would like to hold elections during the meeting on October 27th.
The WVCA Board has traditionally been a minimal time commitment, with the board coordinating events with surrounding civic associations. We hope to see those begin again in 2022.
If you’re interested in getting to know your neighbors, and would like to help plan events with our surrounding community, please reach out to the current Board Members with your questions about specific positions! Most of the board is interested in passing the baton on to other members of the community. If you are interested in running for a position, please let us know before the meeting so we can prepare for a virtual vote. Board positions are stated as a 2-year commitment, but if there isn’t sufficient interest to running elections, we may want to discuss reducing the scope of the WVCA until there is renewed interest.
Please remember only active members of the WVCA can participate in voting. Members must reside or own property located within Westover Village’s neighborhood boundaries.
If you have not paid your $15 dues for 2021, you can make a payment through Paypal on our website. Dues paid in advance of the 10/27 meeting will carry through the 2022 year.
President – Primary point person for the WVCA. Coordinates with County and surrounding Civic Associations on issues relevant to Westover. Sends newsletters and updates as needed. The work of the President varies depending on needs and priorities of the community. It averages between 2-5 hours per month
Contact Lilith Christiansen, wvcapres@yahoo.com
Vice President – Supports President with planning events and community outreach as needed. The work of the VP is seasonal and depends on whether an event is coming up. But, on average, it could be about 3 hours a month.
Contact Bob Orttung, vicepresident@westovervillage.org
Treasurer – Coordinates dues collection, maintains accounting of the WVCA accounts. Approximately 1 to 3 hours per month.
Contact John Marsh, jdmarsharlington@gmail.com
Secretary – Manages the WVCA website, and records attendance and notes during WVCA meetings. Approximately 1 to 2 hours per month.
Contact Lisa Garcia, westover.village.secretary@gmail.com
Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee Delegate (NCAC) – Are you interested in how your Arlington tax dollars are spent? Do you want to have more sidewalks, better parks, improved streets, and pedestrian-friendly crosswalks? Do you want to hear about new projects and initiatives that are happening in other areas of Arlington?
Over the past 25 years, the County has spent $62.7 million on Neighborhood Conservation projects to beautify and strengthen our neighborhoods. This neighborhood improvement program needs a representative from WVCA. Currently, the program meets virtually 8-10 times a year for about an hour every month.
Come join your friends and neighbors for an ice cream social Sunday, October 22 at 2 pm on the field next to Reed School. Kids of all ages are welcome to attend in costume, though it is not required. This is our main social event of the fall as we will not organize a Halloween parade this year.
We will have our next civic association meeting on Wednesday, November 15 at 7PM in the large conference room at the Westover Library. We will discuss the upcoming renovations and conversion of the Reed School to an elementary school, provide an update on affordable housing and other topics of interest to the community.
I hope everyone has survived our “big winter” storm without too much hassle. We will have our March Civic Association Meeting on March 22 at 7:30 PM in the Swanson Auditorium. Please note the change in location & slightly later start time.
During our meeting we will discuss a variety of topics of importance to our community:
Approval of changes to our civic association by-laws
Status of Neighborhood Conservation Plan and opportunities to help develop it
Plans for candidate night(s) for School Board and County Board candidates
Opportunities for community involvement to influence decisions affecting our area such as Reed School future, bike lanes on Washington Blvd., community facilities round tables, and school enrollment/transfer policies and others
Annual Easter Egg Hunt – Tentatively April 8
Westover Market and Beer Garden proposal for additional music times
On Wednesday, March 1, from 5 to 8pm Arlington County will be hosting an information session and open comments for planned restriping/addition of bike lanes to Washington Blvd between Westover and East Falls Church Metro.
On Wednesday, January 11 a VDOT representative will come to discuss the 66 expansion project, specifically noise abatement plans. This meeting will be open to residents in the surrounding CAs.