2018 WVCA Membership Dues
2018 Westover Village Civic Association Membership Dues Are Now Due
In order to support the activities and events of the Westover Village Civic Association, we need to collect dues from our members. This pays for the expenses we incur in the work of our civic association, such as costs for the Westover Easter egg hunt, dues for our participation in the county Civic Federation, rental of our civic association PO box and charges for our internet domain name. WVCA membership dues are $15.00 per household per year. Members must be current with their dues to vote on issues at WVCA meetings.
There are several ways in which you can pay your dues. The easiest is to use the ‘Pay Dues Online’ entries on the upper right-hand side of this page to pay by Paypal or credit card. You can also can pay your dues by sending a check for $15.00 payable to the Westover Village Civic Association to PO Box 5604, Arlington, VA, 22205 or by simply bringing your payment when you attend the next WVCA community meeting.
Thanks so much for your continued support of the work of the Westover Village Civic Association!